Mar 21, 2023
Jul 11, 2023
People Network Articles
CFO Network

A strong Learning & Development plan is at the heart of every strong culture

Mar 21, 2023
Jul 11, 2023
People Network Articles

A strong Learning & Development plan is at the heart of every strong culture

A strong Learning & Development plan is at the heart of every strong culture.

We work with a wide range of employers to look at their People Strategy and their EVP. Recruiting great people is the starting point, but ensuring that team cohesion stays tight and that every team member takes the accountability for their own development plans ensures long term success.

Our Vision is to have a well-established reputation for creating a positive influence on the market, operating with integrity and setting the standards for the recruitment industry.  At the heart of this, and at the core of Our Values, is our ‘Team’.

We are very proud of Our People – Seventeen personalities with great ability and team spirit. They would all do a good job if they were left on their own and they would definitely look after each other. Learning & Development (L&D) comes naturally when you are a new business, but we are now four years’ old. To make sure that our people continue to deliver “great” work (not just “good”), we set an objective to promote an L&D strategy that is built on strong inputs and an “open to develop” culture, with everyone taking the accountability for their own development.

We have set templates for long term plans that link into immediate objectives and 360 degree reviews. The first step to allow everyone to dig deeper into their own personality (and the personalities of their colleagues) was to go through a personality profiling exercise.

Every team member has recently performed DiSC profiles (an assessment tool that we facilitate for a number of our recruitment campaigns) and then undertook a team day, focused around the DiSC results.  The session explored individuals own strengths and how every individual has a part to play in making a great team.

Becoming more self-aware, and conscious of our interactions with others, will make us more successful individuals. We believe that everyone is unique, and we pride ourselves on working with that. We have such a strong team already (just look at how long we have all worked together!) - this will make us even stronger.

DiSC Profiling

DiSC profiling has been around for over 100 years and helps people connect better with themselves and others.  The individual assessment data provides a wealth of information about individuals’ workplace preferences and priorities.  It helps individuals learn how to connect better with colleagues whose priorities and preferences are different to their own.

Profiling can add value to so many recruitment processes, so we often advise our clients to invest in the tool during their hiring. It was great for our team to spend some time on it for ourselves.

L&D and EVPs

Learning new skills can be enjoyable, stimulating and often empowering. It makes individuals feel valued. Employers that prioritise L&D when designing Employer Value Propositions (EVP) will notice it to be a highly powerful engagement and retention strategy.

Organisations facing into key moments of maturity often find that there is a variety of understanding and interpretation around what’s required for that phase and beyond. Our work over the last 12 month has highlighted how important it is for businesses to look at EVPs and Employer Branding (EB) through the eyes of candidates as we move into the “New Normal” for employment.

If you would like to explore your EVP with a member of the team, please contact Elise Walsh. We thrive on authentic relationships with our clients and aim to introduce a level of positive energy into all that we deliver, which in turn sends ripple effects out and ignites those we work alongside.

Nik Pratap
Lorraine Pratap
Elise Walsh
Gillian McBride
Nicola Worrow
Amanda O’Neill
Karen Caswell
Dale Spink
Stacey Rhodes
Charlotte Morgan-Smith
Jess Lister
Alex Mostyn-Jones
Alex Mostyn-Jones
Claire Screeton
Claire Screeton
Euan Begbie
Euan Begbie
Marie Carroll
Marie Carroll
Lucy Miles
Nicola Beach
Leighton Thomas

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