With our team’s experience in the recruitment sector spanning over four decades, we have seen many disruptive influences in our industry. This list makes us feel old:

We have been working with a number of AI tools over the past year. There have been some strong benefits, some market misconceptions, and there is a long way to go in the future:

People are the most important aspect of a recruitment process

AI can help with screening of candidates and ChatGPT 4.0 can deliver faster efficiency and scanning facilities for doing this. Obvious benefits to employers with volume hiring, but not an attractive opportunity for more selective recruitment. Candidates & hiring managers still need human intervention. Artificial intelligence will never be able to achieve 'Artificial Empathy'.

Amidst the excitement, it's crucial to maintain a human-centric approach. While AI can augment efficiency, it can never replace the invaluable human elements of empathy and intuition in recruitment.

“The best recruiters must be great at building relationships and creating high touch candidate experiences that will help them rise above the bots,” says John Vlastelica, CEO of Recruiting Toolbox.

Percentage of search & recruitment professionals saying these are among the most important soft skills for recruiters over the next five years. Source- LinkedIn.

Raising the standards of communication & advice

ChatGPT should be a tool to help consultants advise their clients, candidates, and their marketing. The quality of what it produces is influenced by the questions asked and completed with the anecdotes and advice of the consultant. Most people can already spot the LinkedIn post that is 100% written by AI; or the sales email that is powered by a bot.

Source – global LinkedIn data 2022 Vs 2023.

Sharing best practice

We spoke on a panel of experts on engaging young adults in the workplace last year. 6 of the 8 main points covered by the panel were suggested by ChatGPT when we asked the platform to comment on the subject after the event. This shows the real power of AI – in 30 seconds, it produced 75% of what 80 years of experts had talked about. It cannot engage people in the detail or entertain as well as a discussion, but it brings the information to everyone’s fingertips and raises the bar of what future panel events should deliver.

We are looking forward to seeing how quickly this article dates!

What Next?

Our team are not planning on leading the disruptive charge of AI in recruitment. We prefer to be 'digitally curious' – we will explore all the new technologies with the objective of making our people even more effective – saving them time, extending their reach, and raising the quality of their delivery. By fostering a culture of curiosity, we ensure that our team remains adaptable in the ever-changing recruitment landscape, always striving for excellence in our field.  Our journey with AI has just begun, and we’re excited to see how this technology evolves and how it will continue to shape the recruitment landscape in the years ahead.

Nik Pratap
Lorraine Pratap
Elise Walsh
Gillian McBride
Nicola Worrow
Amanda O’Neill
Karen Caswell
Dale Spink
Stacey Rhodes
Charlotte Morgan-Smith
Jess Lister
Alex Mostyn-Jones
Alex Mostyn-Jones
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Claire Screeton
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Euan Begbie
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