Sharpening up your employer value proposition

There are many challenges for employers in 2024.

The top three factors are:

  • Wage inflation (still over 6%)
  • Skills shortages
  • Generational Change (Most leaders are now Gen X, most managers are Millennial and all entrants are Gen Z)

There are some simple solutions to some issues, but not to everything.

  • Raising wages is neither practical or the total answer for many employers
  • The gap between demand and supply of some skills like engineering are vast and get wider each year.
The answer to generational change

Every employer should have reviewed their EVP in the past few years and should continually review it annually. This is vital to ensure that you can attract and retain the best talent.

We presented our EVP - Candidate Attraction & Retention article in January. Since then we have seen the list of decisive influences in candidate choices grow from 49 to 56.

  • Some of these are the critical headlines of salary, bonus and L&D
  • There are an increasing number of features that are more important to younger millennials and Gen Z – such as values, purpose, ESG and ED&I
  • The list of marginal gains continues to rise and these can be the key to getting your first-choice candidate or second …. or building a team that is 110% productive or 95%.

Our People Network team work with our clients to build their EVP, benchmark it and communicate it into a brand. If you would like to see the latest list of 56 factors or arrange a call to discuss how we can help please contact one of the team below

Elise Walsh- 07936364473

Marie Carroll- 07512310782

Lucy Miles- 07706332743

Nik Pratap
Lorraine Pratap
Elise Walsh
Gillian McBride
Nicola Worrow
Amanda O’Neill
Karen Caswell
Dale Spink
Stacey Rhodes
Charlotte Morgan-Smith
Jess Lister
Alex Mostyn-Jones
Alex Mostyn-Jones
Claire Screeton
Claire Screeton
Euan Begbie
Euan Begbie
Marie Carroll
Marie Carroll
Lucy Miles
Nicola Beach
Leighton Thomas

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